Medical Psychotherapy Practice

Dr. med. Janine Benson-Martin MB ChB, FC Psych (SA), MPhil Public Mental Health (UCT)

Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist

Public Health Specialist

What I offer



Individual psychotherapy:

I practice a psychodynamic form of therapy, where the role of the unconscious ‚i.e. "that which lies below" plays a significant role. As a therapist my role is to actively assist you in understanding yourself and the challenges you might be struggling with.

As in other therapies, we use specific "tools", one of them being the therapist-patient relationship. We understand that the formative years and the bonds you developed during this time are blue prints for for your life. The actions and interactions that emerge during therapy often reflect this, and our mutual task is to recognize, understand and if necessary adapt these patterns. Many other methods are used in this form of talk therapy, which ultimately contributes to discovering your own healing potential and ultimately improving your quality of life.

During my training I was able to deepen my understanding of the integrative holistic biomedical-psychological-sociocultural  approach so that therapy in my practice considers all these aspects.


Group psychotherapy:

In South Africa, we have a philosophy called "Ubuntu". One facet was highlighted in an interview with Nelson Mandela (2006) where he described Ubuntu, as the willingness of people in a community to care for one another; it embodies respect, helpfulness, sharing and trust. This word has so many facets, but drives the point forward that the person is seen and acknowledged by others. I find this to be a good analogy for group therapy.


In my practice small groups are encouraged to explore and understand their own often maladaptive patterns and behaviours. I guide the group in reaching a deeper understanding of themselves and their interactions with others. An important tool once again is the interpersonal relationship , as well as the openness to learn from interactions. In addition, the therapist listens with a "third ear", meaning to say, listens with a heightened attention to both intra- and interpersonal processes.  (Runtan 1992). 


Dr Irvin Yalom, a Doyen of Group Therapy highlights factors such as hope, universality, group cohesion and interpersonal learning, as factors which contribute to the therapeutic effects of group therapy (Yalom & Lezcz 2020).


Structure: small groups of 3-5 participants would meet for 100 minutes either weekly or every fortnight.





I can offer psychotherapy to adults (age 18 years or older) on german statutory health insurances , as well as to private 



In addition I am able to provide online psychotherapy to private patients, and patients who participating in "Selektivvertäge" contracts with their german statutory health insurances; see MEDIVERBUND (


About me

I am originally from South Africa... read more 


My career in medicine started in the year 2000 after qualifying as a medical doctor. For more details on my career...  read more.

Registration & Membership

Telephonic availability

Would you like to have an appointment? You can reach us on:


Mondays, 8h30 - 9h00


Telephone: +49 (0) 159 0682 7246


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